Doberman Crew | mk-100901
Doberman Crew | mk-100901

Meet Our Team

Mona McMillan | Mainwynd Kennels | | Alberta Doberman Breeder, Trainer & Handler | (Mainwynd Kennels 2016-Present)

Jessica Munro - Munro Kennels

Breeder & Handler

Mona McMillan | Mainwynd Kennels | | Alberta Doberman Breeder, Trainer & Handler | (1978-Present)

Mona Mcmillan - Mainwynd Kennels

Breeder, Handler

Sheila Munro | | 3 Year Old Doberman Trainer & Handler | (2022-Present)

Sheila Munro

Jr. Handler


Mainwynd Kennels 1978 - Present

Mikka | Munro Kennels | 12 Year Old Doberman | Mainwynd Kennels - Adrenaline Drive (2004-2016)


Mainwynds - Adrenaline Drive (2004-2016)

Eve | Munro Kennels | 9 Year Old Doberman | Ch. Mainwynd Kennels - Encore (2005-2014)


Ch. Mainwynds - Encore (2005-2014)

Mona McMillan | Mainwynd Kennels | | Alberta Doberman Breeder, Trainer & Handler | (Mainwynd Kennels 2016-Present)


Mainwynds - High Score CD (2013-Present)

Echo | Munro Kennels | Doberman Pincher | Mainwynd Kennels - Inspired (2015-Present)


Mainwynds - Inspired (2015-Present)

Sydney | Munro Kennels | Doberman Pincher | Mainwynd Kennels - Fyre Me Up (2017-Present)


Mainwynds - Fyre Me Up (2017-Present)


Munro Kennels 2016 - Present

The Beginning | Munro Kennels | Mainwynd Kennels (2016-Present)

What to Expect

Something to remember is you are the best part of your dogs journey. A dog may live ten or fifteen years, on average and they want to be with you non-stop. Are you ready to make the commitment to keeping them well and happy for the duration of this time? What are your upcoming plans in life and have you made them to accommodate your new best friend? Your dog is going to want to love you please you, it may be worth while nothing some breed lines can be stubborn by nature as well. The best way to train your puppy is always with firm command, gentle touch, praise and a-lot of patience.

After Care

Most of us have not made arrangements for our pets in the event we do not make it home one night. It is important to make provisions for your pet in your will. Talk to a family member or your veterinarian/ breeder and try to make arrangements for both temporary and long-term care. Depending on the situation or in the event something might happen to your health or physical condition. In the event your pet passes first, you have the option to have them buried in a pet cemetery or have him/her cremated.

New Adventures

It is important to realize a new friend may may help you mend a broken heart, but no pet can or should be used to try and replace another. Sometimes it does help to choose a different color or sex to make it easier to avoid making unfair comparisons, or expect the new pet to be “just like the old one”.

Life Happens

Sometimes things don’t always work out just the way we planned. Perhaps your dog doesn’t suit your lifestyle, perhaps you are moving or must give away your animal for unplanned reasons. PLEASE! DO NOT take them to a shelter. Call your breeder at the first opportunity, a responsible breeder will be happy to assist you in placing the dog in a new home or foster them while they are in need of a place to stay.